JR Parker Electrical provides a premium electrical service to ensure your shed is wired up to a standard above and beyond the rest.
Quality & Workmanship
Above and Beyond
As electricians with a strong background in industrial electrical installation and servicing we know that a shed is no different to a factory, just on a smaller scale. We will provide you with the very best in materials, quality workmanship and the finishing touches that will leave you the envy of anyone who walks into your backyard workshop. There is no compromise on quality in any of the work we produce and wiring up a shed, no matter the size, is no exception.
reliable & prompt
Future Proofing
At JR Parker Electrical we understand that plans change, ideas expand and what may have once been a simple storage space for a lawn mower and some tools can quickly become a busy work space with a serious demand for adequate power. We will take the time to talk you through the process and gauge your requirements so that you aren’t left without the necessary power to run your installation efficiently. We always provide room for expansion and take the time to calculate the correct sizing for mains cabling supplying sheds so it doesn’t matter if you need to suddenly run a big welder. We’ve got it covered so you don’t have to pay twice!
Comprehensive planning
When JR Parker Electrical is engaged for a quote to wire a shed several things will happen. Firstly, we will visit your home and measure up the site for underground or overhead power. On site we will get to know your installation and take into account all of your needs so that we can tailor a detailed quote that will suit your needs. Once we have got all of the information we will write up a formal quote and draw out a detailed layout of the shed as we have discussed. Any changes you need to make? No worries at all: We want to provide you with exactly what you want, you’ve got to love it, so we will do everything we can to make sure that you are happy with the end result.
Let’s Talk
Our reviews speak for themselves
We are well aware that we are not the cheapest company to deliver power to a shed and we are OK with that! At JR Parker Electrical you get what you pay for: Tidy work, polite tradesmen, quality gear, attention to detail and ongoing service you can depend on. We would love to be your preferred electrician so get in touch today to discuss how we can get your shed powered up and looking great!